%0 Journal Article %T THE EFFECTS OF INTRODUCTION PHYSICS/ASTRONOMY CLUB IN SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN STIMULATING TEACHING AND LEARNING OF PHYSICS IN ONITSHA SOUTH LOCAL GOVERNMENT AREA %A CHINENYE M. OBOSHI %A C. ONUCHUKWU %J Journal of Science and Arts %D 2012 %I Bibliotheca Publishing House %X This study was carried out in Onitsha South local Government Area of Anambra State. Five public /government secondary school Onitsha South was used, 200 Senior Secondary II (SS2) school physics students and 50 science teachers randomly selected from each of the five schools. The study examined the effects of introducing Physic/Astronomy Club in secondary school in stimulating teaching and learning of physic. The instrument used for data collection was the questionnaire. Statistical mean score and standard deviation were used to analyze the answer to the research question. The result showed that the introduction or existence of Physic/Astronomy Club in secondary school will have positive effects in stimulating the teaching and learning of physics. %K astronomy %K physics %K teaching %K learning. %U http://www.icstm.ro/DOCS/josa/josa_2012_4/c_01_Oboshi.pdf