%0 Journal Article %T Paul Ric ur and the Relationship Between Philosophy and Religion in Contemporary French Phenomenology Paul Ric ur and the Relationship Between Philosophy and Religion in Contemporary French Phenomenology %A Christina M. Gschwandtner %J ¨¦tudes Ricoeuriennes / Ricoeur Studies %D 2012 %I University Library System, University of Pittsburgh %R 10.5195/errs.2012.147 %X In this paper I consider Ric ur¡¯s negotiation of the boundary or relationship between philosophy and religion in light of the larger debate in contemporary French philosophy. I suggest that contrasting his way of dealing with the intersection of the two discourses to that of two other French thinkers (Jean-Luc Marion and Michel Henry) illuminates his stance more fully. I begin with a brief outline of Ric ur¡¯s claims about the distinction or relation between the discourses, then reflect on those of Marion and Henry, who although they do not relate them in the same way still together form a significant contrast to Ric ur¡¯s perspective, and conclude with a fuller consideration of Ric ur¡¯s methodology in light of this comparison. I suggest that it is in particular his hermeneutic commitments that lead him both to more rigorous distinctions between discourses and ironically to greater mediation. Det article analyse la mani¨¨re dont Ricoeur pense la fronti¨¨re ou la relation entre philosophie et religion ¨¤ lalumi¨¨re du d¨¦bat plus large sur la philosophie fran aise contemporaine. Le contraste entre sa fa on detraiter l' intersection entre les deux discours et celle de deux autres penseurs fran ais (Jean--©\ Luc Marion etMichel Henry) ¨¦claire sa position plus en profondeur. J' entame mon propos par un bref aper u des objectifsde Ricoeur s' agissant de la distinction ou de la relation entre les deux discours, puis je poursuis la r¨¦flexionen exposant les objectifs de Marion et de Henry. Bien que chacun de ces deux penseurs converge vers unevoie qui lui est propre, ils forment ensemble un contraste saisissant avec la perspective de Ricoeur. Je conclusmon article en prenant mieux en compte la m¨¦thodologie de Ricoeur ¨¤ la lumi¨¨re de cette comparaison.C' est en particulier ses engagements herm¨¦neutiques qui le conduisent ¨¤ la fois ¨¤ plus de distinctionsrigoureuses entre les discours et ironiquement ¨¤ une plus grande m¨¦diation entre eux. %K Religion %K Hermeneutics %K Phenomenology %K Jean-Luc Marion %K Michel Henry %U http://ricoeur.pitt.edu/ojs/index.php/ricoeur/article/view/147