%0 Journal Article %T 浅议重复博弈对通货膨胀的遏制—基于寡头垄断市场的价格策略研究
Discussion on Repeated Game to Containment Inflation—Study on Prices Strategy Based on Oligopoly Market %A 宫业兴 %A 陈秉谱 %J Emergence and Transfer of Wealth %P 1-4 %@ 2165-6398 %D 2011 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/etw.2011.11001 %X
本文将博弈论中的重复博弈理论应用到经济学中,试图提出市场演变的“黄金分割点”定律,以期进一步分析和研究通货膨胀,并探讨在寡头垄断市场上,各垄断寡头之间的重复博弈对通货膨胀的遏制作用。<br/>In this paper, apply the repeated game theory of the game theory to economics, attempt to put forward the “Golden Segmentation Point” law of market evolution, in order to further study and analysis on inflation, and explore in the oligopoly market, the containment effect to inflation of the repeated game among the different monopoly oligarchs.
%K 博弈论;重复博弈;通货膨胀;竞争
Game Theory %K Repeated Game %K Inflation %K Competition %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=360