%0 Journal Article %T 天津市60岁以上居民高血压人群和非高血压人群饮食结构分析
Tianjin Residents over the Age of 60 in Patients with Essential Hypertension and in Patients with Non-Diet Analysis %A 张吉 %J Asian Case Reports in Vascular Medicine %P 5-9 %@ 2326-3504 %D 2012 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/acrvm.2012.11002 %X
Objective: Learn about Tianjin residents over the age of 60 and non-diet in patients with hypertension in hypertensive patients, for the development of theoretical basis for nutritional health policies associated with them. Methods: Adopt a multiple-stage stratified random sampling method, to 8006 conducted a questionnaire survey of Tianjin residents over the age of 60. Results: In patients with essential hypertension and in patients with non-rice, poultry and their products, meat products, dairy products intake, intake significantly smaller than non-patients with hypertension in patients with hypertension, differences are statistically significant. Conclusion: Recommended the promotion of healthy eating approach to prevent high blood pressure, raise the level of population health, balanced diet, balanced nutrients to strengthen nutrition education of hypertension.
%K 膳食因素;高血压;饮食
Dietary Factors %K Hypertension %K Diet %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=7153