%0 Journal Article %T Influence of menstrual cycle and salivary -estradiol on volatile sulfur compound %A Shahla Kakoei DDS %A MSc %A Fahimeh Barkhori DDS %A Ali Mirzazadeh MD %A MPH %A PhD %A Mohammad Mohammadi DDS %A MSc %J Journal of Oral Health and Oral Epidemiology %D 2012 %I Kerman University of Medical Sciences %X BACKGROUND: -estradiol is a steroid sex hormone that plays important role in oral physiology. The aim of this studywas to determin the association of the menstrual cycle and salivary -estradiol with the production of volatile sulfurcompounds (VSC).METHODS: In this cross-sectional study, twenty female dental students in good oral and general health were recruited forevaluation of VSC, salivary flow, -estradiol concentration, oral dryness feeling and dysmenorrhea. Data were analyzedby marginal homogeneity test and xtgee model.RESULTS: The only covariates that significantly related to VSC were being at the follicular phase (B = -0.21, P = 0.02),being at the pre-menstrual phase (B = -0.25, P = 0.01), stressfulness (B = 0.02, P = 0.01) and oral dryness feeling(B = 0.34, P = 0.02). Salivary -estradiol was at the level of 59.7 31.2 in those having halitosis (VSC ¡Ý 75) while inthe others (VSC < 75) it was about 40.8 18.0 (P < 0.009). This difference was not statistically significant in multivariateanalysis.CONCLUSIONS: The menstrual cycle, stress and oral dryness were the most important determinants of halitosis. Thesalivary -estradiol level could not explain such relationship as its effect was eliminated considering the other factors. %K Halitosis %K menstrual cycle %K -estradiol %K volatile sulfur compound %U http://johoe.kmu.ac.ir/index.php/johoe/article/view/11