%0 Journal Article %T Creating a YouTube-Like Collaborative Environment in Mathematics: Integrating Animated GeoGebra Constructions and Student-Generated Screencast Videos %A Jill LAZARUS %A Geoffrey ROULET %J European Journal of Contemporary Education %D 2013 %I Academic Publishing House Researcher %R http://dx.doi.org/10.13187/ejced.2013.4.117 %X This article discusses the integration of student-generated GeoGebra applets and Jing screencast videos to create a YouTube-like medium for sharing in mathematics. The value of combining dynamic mathematics software and screencast videos for facilitating communication and representations in a digital era is demonstrated herein. We share our experience with using these tools to facilitate mathematical collaboration, focusing specifically on the power of GeoGebra for student expression and creativity %K dynamic mathematics software %K GeoGebra %K screencast %K Jing %K mathematics collaboration %K visual mathematics %U http://ejournal1.com/pdf.html?n=1373090576.pdf