%0 Journal Article %T Real time processing of neutron monitor data using the edge editor algorithm %A Paschalis Pavlos %A Mavromichalaki Helen %J Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate %D 2012 %I EDP Sciences %R 10.1051/swsc/2012015 %X The nucleonic component of the secondary cosmic rays is measured by the worldwide network of neutron monitors (NMs). In most cases, a NM station publishes the measured data in a real time basis in order to be available for instant use from the scientific community. The space weather centers and the online applications such as the ground level enhancement (GLE) alert make use of the online data and are highly dependent on their quality. However, the primary data in some cases are distorted due to unpredictable instrument variations. For this reason, the real time primary data processing of the measured data of a station is necessary. The general operational principle of the correction algorithms is the comparison between the different channels of a NM, taking advantage of the fact that a station hosts a number of identical detectors. Median editor, Median editor plus and Super editor are some of the correction algorithms that are being used with satisfactory results. In this work an alternative algorithm is proposed and analyzed. The new algorithm uses a statistical approach to define the distribution of the measurements and introduces an error index which is used for the correction of the measurements that deviate from this distribution. %K Cosmic ray (galactic) %K Cosmic ray (solar) %K Algorithm %K Metadata %U http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/swsc/2012015