%0 Journal Article %T Teaching Materials ¡°Surface Area of Geometric Figures,¡± Created Using the Software Package GeoGebra %A Slavi£¿a RADOVI£¿ %J European Journal of Contemporary Education %D 2013 %I Academic Publishing House Researcher %R http://dx.doi.org/10.13187/ejced.2013.4.72 %X Social development, the progress of technology, and changing economic forces certainly affect the development of the current educational system. One of the main problems of today¡¯s school system is how to maintain focus, concentration, and interest among students with regards to the learning that takes place during classes. An important feature of modern teaching is multimedia. However, the use of multimedia requires a certain transformation in the teaching process. Given the fact that the focus of the teaching process has been shifting away from the curriculum and the teacher, and towards the student, multimedia will undoubtedly contribute in a significant way to the modernization of traditional teaching. It is not unrealistic to think that technology will become a regular part of the daily routines of teaching. In this work, an innovative approach to teaching mathematics in elementary and high schools through the use of the software known as GeoGebra is introduced. This approach is demonstrated using the example of ¡®surface area¡¯ as a mathematical concept, wherein the goal was to increase interactivity between teachers and students, and to improve the quality of teaching. %K teaching mathematics %K GeoGebra %K modern education %K interactivity %U http://ejournal1.com/pdf.html?n=1373090500.pdf