%0 Journal Article %T TIPNIS y Amazonia: Contradicciones en la agenda ecol車gica de Bolivia %A Ricardo Calla Ortega %J European Review of Latin American and Caribbean Studies %D 2012 %I Utrecht University Library Open Access Journals %X : The ecological agenda of the government of Evo Morales shows great contradictions. In international meetings it presents itself as the radical defender of the environmental rights of the Latin American peoples. In its own country, it pursues developmentalist policies which are based on the extraction of natural resources. This policy is causing large conflicts within the country. The most striking has been over the construction of a highway through the national park of TIPNIS. The contradiction between its in-ternational position and internal policies, which are far less green, is causing severe damage to the credibility of the Morales government, within and outside the country. Resumen: La agenda ecol車gica del gobierno de Evo Morales demuestra grandes contradicciones. En los encuentros internacionales se presen-ta como un defensor radical de los derechos ecol車gicos de los pueblos latinoamericanos. En su propio pa赤s est芍 persiguiendo un pro-yecto desarrollista basado en la extracci車n de recursos nacionales. Esta pol赤tica est芍 causando grandes conflictos dentro del pa赤s. La m芍s llamativa ha sido sobre la construc-ci車n de una autopista por el parque nacional del TIPNIS. La contradicci車n entre su pos-tura internacional y una pol赤tica mucho me-nos verde al interior est芍 da ando aguda-mente la credibilidad del gobierno de Mora-les dentro y fuera del pa赤s. %K ecological governance %K extractivism %K protected areas %K Bolivia %K Gobernanza ecol車gica %K extractivismo %K 芍reas protegidas %U http://www.erlacs.org/index.php/erlacs/article/view/8405