%0 Journal Article %T Transformational Issues of Grades 1-9 Curriculum Reform in Taiwan %A Feng-Feng Chang %A Li-Hua Chen %A Kuo-Yang Yang %J Journal of Textbook Research %D 2010 %I National Academy for Educational Research %X The rationale of curriculum reform has to be transformed step by step into textbooks which can be understood by teachers. This study employed document-analysis to explore the transformational issues happening along with the development from the original ideas of curriculum, curriculum guideline to textbooks¡¯ writing and review. The main findings were as follows,1.The Grades 1-9 Curriculum Reform consist of four major ideas, namely, curriculum integration, school-based curriculum, ability-based indicator and blank curriculum.2.The frequent changing of the Minister of Education has obstructed reform.3.The original ideas of curriculum reform have been successfully transformed, to some extent, into the Grades 1-9 Curriculum Guideline.4.The Ministry of Education should be more responsible in completing supplementary documents for the curriculum guideline. 5.The committee members for the curriculum guideline should work with subject experts and classroom teachers to find a balance between ideas and practice.6.It is paramount that we face up to the fact that textbooks published by different companies are tending to be more similar; and thus the textbook policies need to be slightly adjusted. %K curriculum transformation %K Grades 1-9 Curriculum Reform in Taiwan %K textbook review and approval %U http://ej.nict.gov.tw/JTR/v03.1/J06v03n01-01.pdf