%0 Journal Article %T Color Changes of Package Silage In Period of Aerobic Stability %A F. Toruk %A F. Koc %A E. Gonulol %J Journal of Tekirdag Agricultural Faculty %D 2010 %I Tekirdag Agricultural Faculty %X In this study, changes on color of the silage surface, chemical and microbiological parameters in six days period of aerobic stability of package silage were investigated. For this purpose, the effect of the silage additive materials and treatments dose also were examined. Treatments were determined as Control (C), Silo-king firm dose (FD), Silo-King double dose (D2), Sim-Silage firm dose (SF), and Sim-Silage double dose (S2).Maize was ensiled using a package silage machine. The package silages opened after three months storage was analyzed for colors during aerobic exposure. In this research, yellowness (y *) indicates were also measured to show the effect of fermentation process on the silage color properties. As the result of experiment, it was found that aerobic stability have significant effects on color of the silage surface (all parameters) statistically (p<0.05). The lowest color alteration (¦¤E) was estimated as 8.96 in S2 treatment. The color alteration also was increased 96 h when increased at pH and temperature. The highest CO2 values were found at firm dose treatments. %K Package silage %K aerobic stability %K silage color %K treatment dose %U http://jotaf.nku.edu.tr/makaleler/o3.pdf