%0 Journal Article %T Economic Crisis in Turkey and the Important of Agricultural Cooperatives %A G. £¿zdemir G. Keskin H. £¿z¨¹do£¿ru %J Journal of Tekirdag Agricultural Faculty %D 2011 %I Tekirdag Agricultural Faculty %X While the share of agriculture in Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in Turkey is decreasing to %9, it¡¯s importance in national income, employment and exports is maintaining. In Turkey, the effects of crisis to agriculture have been very important because the sector¡¯s zone of influence is extensive. Therefore, the stability of agricultural sector against crisis is also vital for general economy.One of the leading basic problem in agricultural sector of Turkey is still the inadequacy of economic organization in the process beginning with production until consumption. Because of the lack of an organization, the sector¡¯s structure is instable against crisis and some times, it is obliged to struggle with the crisis that the sector do not contribute.In this study, considering the starting reasons and results of the food crisis and global financial crises experienced in 2007 and 2008, the role of producer organizations in decreasing the effects of these crises is investigated. In this context, by handling economic oriented organization model, the factors effecting the achievement of the goals of producer organization in Turkey and their results is denoted. At this point, by creating problem and objective trees, the contributions of a strong and effective organization model is explicated. %K Food crisis %K global financial crises %K organization in agriculture %K agricultural cooperatives %U http://jotaf.nku.edu.tr/makaleler/f11.pdf