%0 Journal Article %T La migraci車n de j車venes zapatistas a Estados Unidos como desplazamiento geogr芍fico, pol赤tico y subjetivo %A Alejandra Aquino Moreschi %J European Review of Latin American and Caribbean Studies %D 2012 %I Utrecht University Library Open Access Journals %X : The migration of young Zapatistas to the United States as a geographic, political and subjective displacement This article analyses how some young Zapa-tistas become international migrants that are put into global circuits of work under a capi-talist regime of flexible accumulation. It is argued that the migration of these young people represents a geographical, political and subjective displacement in which not only are they transported thousands of kilo-metres away from their towns, but they also experience a change in their subjectivities, their future perspectives and their life-time ambitions in comparison to previous genera-tions. It is shown that the migratory experi-ence of young Zapatistas is marked by ten-sion between periods of being practically unable to move to certain markets of work and certain geographic regions 每 particularly in agricultural California 每 and periods when, in contrast, they cannot establish themselves for any length of time in the same place, or continue in the same niche of work. In other words, their experiences have oscillated between periods in which they become a 'captive work force' that cannot move freely and periods when, in contrast, they become 'labour nomads' obligated to constant displacement and the impossibility of establishing themselves in the same place. These two situations are produced by the control over their 'illegalization' and represent the flip sides of the same coin. These two sides have as a consequence the extraction of cheap and hardworking labour; on the one hand they are prevented from moving, and on the other, from staying. Resumen: Este art赤culo analiza c車mo algunos j車venes zapatistas se convierten en migrantes inter-nacionales insertos en circuitos globales de trabajo bajo un r谷gimen capitalista de acu-mulaci車n flexible. Se argumenta que la mi-graci車n de estos j車venes representa un des-plazamiento geogr芍fico, pol赤tico y subjetivo, ya que ellos no s車lo se trasladan a miles de kil車metros de sus pueblos, sino que experi-mentan un cambio en sus subjetividades, sus perspectivas futuras y sus proyectos de vida, con respecto a la generaci車n anterior. Se muestra tambi谷n que la experiencia migrato-ria de los j車venes zapatistas est芍 marcada por la tensi車n entre momentos en que les resultaba pr芍cticamente imposible moverse de ciertos mercados de trabajo y de ciertas regiones geogr芍ficas 每 particularmente la agricultura californiana 每, y periodos en que, por el contrario, no logran establecerse por mucho tiempo en el mismo sitio, ni mante-nerse en el mismo nicho laboral. En otras palabras, %K international migration %K young people %K Zapatismo %K capitalism %K migraci車n internacional %K j車venes %K zapatismo %K capitalismo %U http://www.erlacs.org/index.php/erlacs/article/view/8400