%0 Journal Article %T Bradley-Terry Models in R: The BradleyTerry2 Package %A Heather Turner %A David Firth %J Journal of Statistical Software %D 2012 %I University of California, Los Angeles %X This is a short overview of the R add-on package BradleyTerry2, which facilitates the specification and fitting of Bradley-Terry logit, probit or cauchit models to pair-comparison data. Included are the standard ¡®unstructured¡¯ Bradley-Terry model, structured versions in which the parameters are related through a linear predictor to explanatory variables, and the possibility of an order or ¡®home advantage¡¯ effect or other ¡®contest-specific¡¯ effects. Model fitting is either by maximum likelihood, by penalized quasi-likelihood (for models which involve a random effect), or by bias-reduced maximum likelihood in which the first-order asymptotic bias of parameter estimates is eliminated. Also provided are a simple and efficient approach to handling missing covariate data, and suitably-defined residuals for diagnostic checking of the linear predictor. %K generalized linear models %K logistic regression %K penalized quasi-likelihood %K ranking %K tournament analysis %K working residuals %U http://www.jstatsoft.org/v48/i09/paper