%0 Journal Article %T Growth and Yield Quality Parameter of Phyllanthus Amarus as Affected by Moisture and Temperature Stress factors %A Chandrawanshi %A N. %A Upadhyaya %A S. D. %A Nayak %A Preeti Sagar %A Paroha %A S. %J Journal of Stress Physiology & Biochemistry %D 2013 %I Siberian Institute of Plant Physiology & Biochemistry %X This work investigates the influence of moisture and temperature stress on plant phenological parameters of Phyllanthus amarusplant. A pot experiment was conducted under controlled water stress environment in greenhouse during the Rabi season of 2007 and 2008 at the Experimental Farm area, JNKVV, Jabalpur. Plants were treated with different levels of water and temperature stresses. The experimental design was Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with six treatments and five replications. Moisture stress has been given on selected dates for which the sets of pot were first brought to field capacity and the water with hold till wilting. It was found that the Plantheight, Root length, Number of leaves, Number of branches per plants, No. of fruits per plant, Leaf area, Dry weight gm per plant were found maximum in control condition. %K Phyllanthus amarus %K phenological %K moisture stress %K temperature stress %U http://www.jspb.ru/issues/2013/N2/JSPB_2013_2_180-188.pdf