%0 Journal Article %T Solving Min-Max Vehicle Routing Problem %A chunyu ren %J Journal of Software %D 2011 %I Academy Publisher %R 10.4304/jsw.6.9.1851-1856 %X The present study is focused on the Min-Max Vehicle Routing Problem (MMVRP). According to the characteristics of model, hybrid genetic algorithm is used to get the optimization solution. First of all, use natural number coding so as to simplify the problem; apply improved insertion method so as to improve the feasibility of the solution; retain the best selection so as to guard the diversity of group. The study adopts 2- exchange mutation operator, combine hill-climbing algorithm to strengthen the partial searching ability of chromosome. Secondly, Boltzmann simulated annealing mechanism for control genetic algorithm crossover and mutation operations improve the convergence speed and search efficiency. At last, it uses simulated experiments to prove the effectiveness and feasibility of this algorithm, and provides clues for massively solving practical problems. %K MMVRP %K improved insertion method %K simulated annealing mechanism %K hill-climbing algorithm %K hybrid genetic algorithm %U http://ojs.academypublisher.com/index.php/jsw/article/view/4662