%0 Journal Article %T Social-Emotional Experiences and Academic Performance among Filipino Adolescents %A Gabriel T. Abayon %A Maria Vanessa P. Lusung-Oyzon %J Journal of Society and Communication %D 2013 %I %X This study investigated the difference in the social-emotional experiences of adolescents in terms of gender and school type. It also examined the relationship between adolescents¡¯ academic performance and their social-emotional experiences in the different settings. It revealed the following results: no significant difference in the adolescents¡¯ social-emotional experiences in gender and school type; no significant relationship in the adolescents¡¯ social-emotional experiences at home and academic performance; a positive correlation was observed in the adolescents¡¯ academic performance and their social-emotional experiences in school; and a negative correlation was shown in the academic performance of adolescents and their social-emotional experiences with clique. The results indicate that adolescents know how to adjust amidst problems or issues. Further similar research is suggested. %U http://journalofsocietyandcommunication.com/index.php?journal=jsc&page=article&op=view&path%5B%5D=76