%0 Journal Article %T The Paradox of Post-Bureaucracy: Trust Formation among State Administration Employees in Finland %A JAAKKO KOIVUM£¿KI %A PASI PY£¿RI£¿ %J Journal of Social Research & Policy %D 2012 %I University of Oradea %X This paper discusses civil servants¡¯ trust in management under conditions of organizational change. The paper draws on asurvey and qualitative interview material collected from five knowledge-intensive public sector organizations in Finland. Theresults indicate that the post-bureaucratic model of organizing work in Finnish state administration may increase insecurityand decrease trust among employees. The paper serves as a reminder that all organizational models have their costs and benefits.Traditional bureaucracy fosters predictability and longevity in employee relations. In this respect, the post-bureaucratic model oforganizing work may not always be as effective in generating trust as traditional bureaucracy is. %K Bureaucracy %K Public Sector Reform %K Post-bureaucracy %K Trust %K State Administration %K Finland %U https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=sites&srcid=ZGVmYXVsdGRvbWFpbnxqcnNwb25lfGd4OjkwMzBlMTZhY2Q2YzQzOQ