%0 Journal Article %T Wahlgesetzgebung und ihre Auswirkung auf die Vertretung von Minderheiten: Die K rntner Landtagswahlordnung im europ ischen Vergleich %A Emma Lantschner %J European Diversity and Autonomy Papers - EDAP %D 2009 %I European Academy in Bolzano (EURAC) %X This article compares the electoral law for the Carinthian Assembly with electoral laws of other European realities. The focus is on the impact of these laws on the representation of minorities in the respectively elected bodies. The author looks into the question of whether measures for the effective participation of minorities in public and political life are requested not only because of democratic but also legal considerations regarding the principle of equality. The article ends with suggestions on how the Carinthian legislator could reform the electoral law in order to allow for the representation of the Slovene minority. %K Electoral laws %K Carinthia %K equality principle %K electoral thresholds %K electoral districts %K guaranteed representation %K national minorities %U http://www.eurac.edu/en/research/institutes/imr/activities/Bookseries/edap/Documents/2009_edap01.pdf