%0 Journal Article %T TDAH y Dificultades de Aprendizaje en escritura: comorbilidad en base a la Atenci車n y Memoria Operativa ADHD and Writing learning disabilities: comorbidity in basis of attention and working memory. %A Celestino Rodr赤guez %A David 芍lvarez %A Paloma G車nzalez-Castro %A Jes迆s N. Garc赤a %J European Journal of Education and Psychology %D 2009 %I CENFINT %X En esta investigaci車n, se pretende conocer las diferencias entre alumnos con TDAH y dificultades de aprendizaje en escritura en una evaluaci車n de atenci車n, memoria operativa y estilos cognitivos. Se parte de una muestra de alumnos diagnosticados con TDAH, con edades relativas a pr芍cticamente toda la etapa escolar obligatoria. Para, posteriormente, realizar una distinci車n entre alumnos TDAH con DA en escritura (DAE), TDAH sin DAE. Estas dos condiciones, se complementan con otro grupo de alumnos con DAE exclusivamente y un grupo control. Estos cuatro grupos, 59 alumnos con TDAH y DAE, 40 s車lo con TDAH, 115 con DAE, y 124 en el grupo control. Forman una muestra de 339 sujetos, emparejados en cuanto a edad, g谷nero, CI y otras caracter赤sticas educativas. Observando los resultados comparados por grupos de todas las medidas independientemente. Se concluye, que puede existir, un patr車n de resultados m芍s deficitario en pruebas de atenci車n y memoria operativa en los ni os con TDAH y DAE. Destacando una relaci車n de comorbilidad entre ambos trastornos, descartando la hip車tesis de fenocopia y corroborando otros estudios de DA en lectura y matem芍ticas. Se concluye con algunas consideraciones acerca del grado de dificultad de las tareas y su incidencia en el TDAH. Palabras clave: TDAH, dificultades de aprendizaje, atenci車n, memoria operativa. The aim of this study was to compare the differences between children with ADHD both with and without writing LD (WLD) and those with WLD, in the measurements of different constructs related to ADHD (selective and sustained attention, working memory and cognitive styles). Our sample comprised 339 students from 3rd year of Primary school to 4th year of Secondary School and consisted of four groups: 59 students diagnosed with ADHD and WLD, 40 with ADHD without WLD, 115 with WLD and/or low achievement (LA), and 124 normally achieving students formed the control group. All of the students ranged between eight and sixteen years old, matched in age and educational level. The results were observed independently between the groups in all the previously mentioned aspects. In conclusion, lower results were found in children suffering from ADHD and WLD as regards the attention and memory evaluation. Considering these results, we conclude by making a few remarks on the difficulty of the tasks and its effects on ADHD. Emphasizing comorbidity relation among both disorders, rejecting fenocopy hypothesis and corroborating other studies in reading and math. Key words: ADHD, learning disabilities, attention, working memory. %K TDAH %K dificultades de aprendizaje %K atenci車n %K memoria operativa. %U http://www.ejep.es/index.php/journal/article/view/31