%0 Journal Article %T La complejidad de la educaci車n al paciente cr車nico en la Atenci車n Primaria The Complexity of the Education of Patients with a Chronic Condition in Primary Care Services %A Rolando Bonal Ruiz %J Finlay : Revista de Enfermedades no Transmisibles %D 2012 %I Universidad de las Ciencias M谷dicas de Cienfuegos %X Diversas reuniones internacionales propugnan la educaci車n al paciente cr車nico como v赤a de mejorar sus resultados de salud, esta educaci車n no solo implica la simple trasmisi車n de conocimientos, existen varios factores que deben tenerse en cuenta. Por lo que es objetivo de esta revisi車n: identificar y describir los factores que influyen en la complejidad de la educaci車n al paciente que vive con una condici車n cr車nica, desde una perspectiva sist谷mica integradora. La educaci車n al paciente cr車nico depende de factores tales como: voluntad pol赤tica estatal, intersectorialidad, uso de teor赤as de aprendizaje y cambios comportamentales, enfoque colaborativo-gen谷rico-especifico, v赤as m迆ltiples de aprendizaje, multiprofesionalidad, holismo. Los factores antes mencionados deben tenerse en cuenta al dise ar pol赤ticas de salud, se necesita preparar m芍s y mejor al personal de salud con una visi車n diferente, para enfrentar este desaf赤o Several international meetings advocate the education of patients with chronic conditions as a means of improving their health outcomes. This educational process does not involve only the simple transmission of knowledge; there are several factors to be taken into account. Therefore, the present review is aimed at identifying and describing the factors that influence the complexity of the education, from a systemic integrative perspective, of patients living with a chronic condition. The education of these patients depends on factors such as political will of governments, intersectoriality, implementation of learning theories and behavioral changes, collaborative-generic-specific approach, multiple learning pathways, multiprofesionality and holism. The above factors should be considered when designing a health policy; they are needed to prepare more and better health professionals with a different conception in order to meet this challenge %K enfermedad cr車nica %K educaci車n en salud %K educaci車n del paciente como asunto %U http://www.revfinlay.sld.cu/index.php/finlay/article/view/130