%0 Journal Article %T A Hist¨®ria da Cartografia no Centro de Estudos Geogr¨˘ficos de Lisboa, 2000-2010 %A Maria Fernanda Alegria %J Finisterra - Revista Portuguesa de Geografia %D 2011 %I Universidade de Lisboa %X The history of cartography at the Centro de Estudos Geogr¨˘ficos de Lisboa, 2000-2010. A large number of the publications in History and Teaching of Geography and Cartography (HEGE C), a research unit of the Centre forGeographical Studies (CEG ), focus on the history of cartography. Suzanne Daveau first suggested this research theme to the Portuguese geographers. The current bibliographical synthesis gives an account of approximately 100 publications by the researchers of this nucleus, between 2000 and 2010, and covers six thematic groups: 1. Synthesis Cartographic studies; 2. Terrestrial cartography; 3. Nautical cartography; 4. Cartographers and cartographic institutions; 5. Theoretical and methodological contributions; 6. Collections of maps and atlases. Although the inventory classified the texts according to subject, they are also analysed by author, year, location and language of publication. The number and varietyof regional and thematic studies show that the history of Portuguese Cartography has taken a place of prominence amongst geographers. %K History of cartography %K inventory %K thematic classification. %U http://www.ceg.ul.pt/finisterra/numeros/2011-92/92_06.pdf