%0 Journal Article %T Microorganisms isolated from subsurface environments and their importance for astrobiology and theoretical biology %A Sergiu Fendrihan %J Extreme Life, Biospeology & Astrobiology %D 2010 %I Bioflux Society %X Objective: the article is a review of the very controversial microbial life in subsurfaceenvironments like caves, rocks, mines, deep subsurface water and springs, in very special extremeenvironments. Material and Methods: the methods of isolation of the bacteria and archaea fromsubsurface environments are discussed too and analysed. Results: the results of years of investigationsshowed the possiblilities of adaptation to extreme environments and survival on very long periods oftimes, even geological eras, of some microorganisms. The inner biochemical, physical, biological andenergetic mechanisms are still not elucidated, even some features were discovered. Conclusion: anextensive and intensive work of cooperation in this field of activity is required to discover themechanisms of long term survival in extreme conditions of the subsurface microorganisms. %K subsurface environments %K astrobiology %K microorganisms %K extreme environments %K dormant state %K long term survival %U http://www.elba.bioflux.com.ro/docs/2010.2.23-36.pdf