%0 Journal Article %T Appreciative Learning Approach as a Pedagogical Strategy and Computer Game Development as a Technological Tool in Enhancing Students¡¯ Creativity %A Eow Yee Leng %A Wan Zah Wan Ali %A Rosnaini Mahmud %A Roselan Baki %J Journal of the Research Center for Educational Technology %D 2011 %I Kent State University %X This action research study investigated whether the combination of the appreciative learning approach as a pedagogical strategy and computer game development as a technological tool enhances student creativity in terms of the products produced. The study consisted of three phases. Phase I used an experimental design with randomized subjects and a control group to investigate the effectiveness of the combination of appreciative learning and computer game development for creativity enhancement. Phases II and III used a one-group pretest-posttest experimental design for the treatment group only. Subjects of the study consisted of 13 and 14-year-old students. Product creativity was evaluated through the Computer Game Assessment Inventory (COMGAIN). Findings in Phase I indicated that the treatment group produced more creative products than the control group. Improvements in the implementation of the appreciative learning approach and computer game development increased product creativity levels in Phases II and III. Thus, this study provides evidence of the transformational possibilities of the appreciative learning approach when combined with computer game development with regards to student creativity. %K Appreciative Learning Approach %K Computer Game Development %K Creativity %K Pedagogy %K Action Research %U http://www.rcetj.org/index.php/rcetj/article/view/165/253