%0 Journal Article %T Chemical composition and mosquito repellent activity of the essential oil of Plectranthus incanus link %A Pal Mahesh %A Kumar Anil %A Tewari Krishna Shri %J Facta Universitatis Series : Physics, Chemistry and Technology %D 2011 %I University of Ni? %R 10.2298/fupct1101057p %X The chemical composition of the essential oil obtained from the leaves of Plectranthus incanus Link, with the yield of 0.6% (w/v), was analyzed by GC and GC/MS. A total of 16 constituents, representing 95.2% of the oil, were identified. The major components of the oil were fenchone (6.0%), piperitone oxide (32.4%), piperitenone (3.0%) and piperitenone oxide (41.5%). The repellent activity of the volatile oil at different concentrations was measured by the protection period against the bites of Anopheles stephensi and Culex fatigans. The tested oil had stronger repellent activity than citronella oil, which was used as a positive control. LC50 (30 min) for P. incanus oil against An. stephensi and C. fatigans were 23.8 and 19.6 ¦Ěl/L air, respectively, whereas LC50 of citronella oil were 31.7 and 31.0 ¦Ěl/L air. Thus, P. incanus may be regarded as a potential valuable source of chemicals that have strong mosquito repellent activity, and could be used for the preparation of mosquito repellent formulations. %K Plectranthus incanus Link %K essential oil %K mosquito repellent activity %K Anopheles stephensi %K Culex fatigans %U http://www.doiserbia.nb.rs/img/doi/0354-4656/2011/0354-46561101057P.pdf