%0 Journal Article %T DA POSSIBILIDADE DE M¨²LTIPLAS ADO ES DE CRIAN AS E ADOLESCENTES %A Cec¨ªlia Paranhos Santos Marcelino %A Tissiany Ara¨²jo Limeira %J Cognitio Juris : Revista Jur¨ªdica %D 2012 %I Cognitio Juris %X RESUMOA prote o ¨¤ crian a e ao adolescente percorre caminhos bem sinuosos, em raz o da incapacidade t¨¦cnica do Estado, da Sociedade e da Fam¨ªlia, em lidar com um tema t o complexo quanto ¨¤queles que envolvem estes menores e a ado o. No Brasil, o Estatuto da Crian a e do Adolescente, a partir de 2009, com a lei no. 12.010, que trouxe ¨¤ vig¨ºncia das novas regras de ado o, que apesar de tentar aplicar o princ¨ªpio do melhor interesse do menor e da prote o integral, coleciona problemas, dentre eles o da revoga o, ou desist¨ºncia, da ado o com a devolu o do menor e sua exposi o a m¨²ltiplas ado es frustradas. Tal situa o acarreta dano para a crian a e o adolescente traumatizado por v¨¢rias situa o de rejei o, e perpetua um aus¨ºncia de responsabiliza o para as autoridades respons¨¢veis pela exposi o do menor ao ato revogado, ou desfeito. Utilizando o m¨¦todo dedutivo e uma investiga o respaldada em doutrinas jur¨ªdicas e dados acad¨ºmicos sobre o tema, objetiva-se, neste artigo, analisar a situa o das crian as e adolescentes expostos a m¨²ltiplas ado es.Palavras- chave: Ado o M¨²ltipla; Crian a e Adolescente; Prote o Integral. THE POSSIBILITY OF MULTIPLE ADOPTIONS OF CHILDREN AND TEENS ABSTRACTThe protection of children and adolescents roam through winding paths, due to technical failure of the State, Society and the Family, in dealing with a subject as complex as those involving these youngsters and adoption. In Brazil, the Statute of Children and Adolescents, from 2009, Law no. 12,010, which brought the validity of the new adoption rules, although they try to apply the principle of best interests of the child and complete protection, collects issues, including the revocation, or cancellation of adoption with the return of the child and his exposure to multiple failed adoptions. This situation harms children and adolescents traumatized by various situations of rejection, and perpetuates a lack of accountability for the authorities responsible for the lower exposure of the act repealed or undone. Using the deductive method and an investigation based by legal doctrines and academic studies on the subject, the objective of this article is analyzes the situation of children and adolescents exposed to multiple adoptions.Keywords: Multiple adoption; Child and Adolescent; Complete Protection. %K Ado o M¨²ltipla %K Crian a e Adolescente %K Prote o Integral %U http://www.cognitiojuris.com/artigos/05/03.html