%0 Journal Article %T ESTUDO BIOM¨¦TRICO DE RATOS ALIMENTADOS COM DOIS TIPOS DE DIETA %A Alice Cristina Antonio dos Santos %A Ana Carolina Tocilo Lopes %A Gl¨˘ucia de C¨˘ssia Xavier da Cruz %A Bruna Corral Garcia %J Colloquium Vitae %D 2010 %I University of Western Sao Paulo, UNOESTE %R 10.5747/cv2010.v02.n2.v029 %X High caloric diet is regarded as a risk factor for developing cardiovascular diseases, is considered a global public health problem. The aim of this study was to compare the biometric parameters of rats fed with two diet types. Thus, 24 male Wistar rats (90 days) with intake of food and water ad libitum were divided into G1: receiving normocaloric diet, and G2: high caloric diet. Food intake was measured daily. After 18 weeks the rats were euthanized, and previous body mass, naso-anal length and Lee index were measured. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, followed by Kolmogorov-Smirnov normality test and ANOVA ¨C One Way, using Tukey post hoc test, assuming 5% of significance. G2 had greater weight gain and therefore higher Lee index compared to G1; however, it was observed a decrease of food intake in G2 compared to G1. %K Weight gain %K High calorie diet %K Lee index %U dx.doi.org/10.5747/cv2010.v02.n2.v029