%0 Journal Article %T ANABOLISMO P¨®S-EXERC¨ªCIO: INFLU¨ºNCIA DO CONSUMO DE CARBOIDRATOS E PROTE¨ªNAS %A Daniele Preto Kater %A Aline Beatriz Pires %A Manoel Carlos Spiguel Lima %A Jair Rodrigues Garcia J¨²nior %J Colloquium Vitae %D 2011 %I University of Western Sao Paulo, UNOESTE %R 10.5747/cv.2011.v03.n2.v051 %X Physical exercises promote meaningful alterations in the metabolism, raising the catabolism rates compared to the anabolic ones, because the necessity to mobilization of the energetic substrate used by the muscles during the effort. At the end of the effort, during the recovery, the catabolism may continue predominant, but it is possible to interfere by food intake, which influences the hormonal secretion and stimulate anabolism. In spite of having lots of studies about carbohydrate and protein intake post general physical exercise, there is not a consensus about which nutrient is more important for the energy substrates replenishment and protein synthesis, that provide tissues¡¯ recovery and restoration of the capacity for a new exercise session. The purpose of this study was to review, describe, compare and discuss the physiological changes resulting from catabolism and anabolism during recovery from a resistance training session followed by carbohydrate and protein intake. It was carried out a search by papers on index basis, selecting mainly these ones published after 2002. The carbohydrate and protein intake post exercise stimulate the anabolismo, being the amount of carbohydrate and protein one aspect, among others, that provide a favorable hormonal environment to glycogen replenishment and protein synthesis. It was noted that insulin concentration plays a key role on anabolic process post exercise. It is necessary others studies with different nutrients and direct analysis of glycogen replenishment and protein synthesis. %K Resistance exercise %K Anabolism %K Recovery %K Carbohydrate %K Insulin %K Glycogen %U http://revistas.unoeste.br/revistas/ojs/index.php/cv/article/viewFile/691/614