%0 Journal Article %T UTILIZA O DE DISPOSITIVOS M¨®VEIS COM ACELER METRO PARA CONTROLE DE APLICA ES %A Rodrigo Veiga da Silva %A Francisco Assis da Silva %J Colloquium Exactarum %D 2010 %I University of Western Sao Paulo, UNOESTE %R 10.5747/ce.2010.v02.n1.e008 %X Nowadays, there is a large growth in need to control remote applications using technology to control wireless communication, allowing greater mobility to the controller. Faced with such requirements, it was thought to develop an application that allows a virtual joystick creation capable of controlling some applications through a mobile device. It was studies the data manipulation from the accelerometer, the sending of such data and how to send data to the Windows OS. To make this possible, it is necessary that this device has accelerometer and Bluetooth technologies. The project goal is to control computer applications using a virtual joystick that will receive data from sensors of movements and buttons present in the mobile device. It will possible to control all applications that have support for joystick as games, simulators and navigation softwares. %K Accelerometer %K Bluetooth %K Python %K Mobile Devices %U dx.doi.org/10.5747/ce.2010.v02.n1.e008