%0 Journal Article %T T¨¹RK YE¡¯DE YOKSULLUK OLGUSU VE TOPLUMSAL YANSIMALARI / THE PHENOMENON OF POVERTY AND SOCIAL REPERCUSSIONS IN TURKEY %A Re£¿at A£¿IKG£¿Z %A £¿. £¿¨¹kr¨¹ YUSUFO£¿LU %J Journal of the Human and Social Science Researches (itobiad) %D 2012 %I Journal of the Human and Social Science Researches Foundation %X Bu al mada, T¨¹rkiye zelinde, yoksulluk olgusunun farkl boyutlar ve yoksullukla ilgili e itli problemler ele al nmaktad r. Yoksulluk, g¨¹n¨¹m¨¹zde birtak m makro ve mikro fakt rlerin etkisiyle ortaya kmaktad r. Makro fakt rlerin ba nda; k¨¹reselle me, i sizlik, k¨¹resel sermaye, ekonomik krizler ve g gibi unsurlar gelmektedir. E itimsizlik, kapasite yoksunlu u, yoksulluk k¨¹lt¨¹r¨¹ ve bireysel zellikler gibi unsurlar ise mikro fakt rler aras nda yer almaktad r. G¨¹n¨¹m¨¹zde k¨¹resel bir sorun halini alan yoksulluk, beraberinde e itli sosyal problemler de getirmekte ve birtak m olumsuz sonu lar da do urmaktad r. Yoksulluk, genel olarak, sosyal d lanma, iddet ve su , gecekondula ma ve gettola ma, marjinalle me, konut ve toplumsal cinsiyet ayr mc l gibi sorunlara yol a maktad r. Yoksulluk ayr ca, aile par alanmalar , bo anma ve depresyon gibi problemler do urmaktad r. Yoksullu un yol a t sorunlar d¨¹nya genelinde benzer olmakla birlikte, mahiyet e ¨¹lkeden ¨¹lkeye nemli farkl l klar g stermektedir. Dolay s yla, yoksullukla ilgili ara t rmalar yaparken ve yoksullukla m¨¹cadele programlar haz rlarken ¨¹lkelerin zel durumlar n ve yoksullar n de i ken profilini dikkate almak gerekmektedir. Bu al mada b yle bir yol takip edilmi tir.AbstractIn this study, the different dimensions of poverty and various problems related to poverty are addressed in the case of Turkey. Poverty comes about due to a number of macro and micro factors in today's world. Among the macro factors there are such facts as globalization, unemployment, global capital, economic crises and migration. The facts such as lack of education, lack of capacity, culture of poverty and individual characteristics are among the micro factors. Becoming a global problem today, poverty brings with it various social problems and also raises a number of negative results. Poverty generally leads to such problems as social exclusion, violence and crime, urbanization and ghettoization, marginalization, housing and gender discrimination. Poverty engenders also such problems as fragmentation of the family, divorce and depression. Although the problems caused by poverty are similar across the globe, it varies considerably from country to country in terms of its nature. Thus it is necessary to take into account the specific circumstances of the countries and variable profiles of the poor when doing poverty-related research and preparing of anti-poverty programs. In this study it has been followed such a way. %K Poverty %K globalization %K unemployment %K social exclusion %K culture of poverty %K crime. %U http://www.itobiad.com/upload/File/makale/1338149248.pdf