%0 Journal Article %T Phenomenology of Freedom and Responsibility in Sartre¡¯s Existentialist Ethics Laisv s ir atsakomyb s fenomenologija Sartro egzistencialistin je etikoje %A Mindaugas Briedis %J Coactivity : Philosophy, Communication %D 2009 %I Vilnius Gediminas Technical University %R 10.3846/1822-430x.2009.17.3.71-82 %X Freedom and responsibility in one way or another were discussed by all exorcists of non-perspective thinking, i.e., existentialists. However, the phenomenological roots of existentialist ethics still did not receive proper academic attention. In this article I explore J. P. Sartre¡¯s conception of freedom and responsibility uncovering how phenomenological insights can be subordinated and sometimes guide intentions of existentialism. On the other hand, Sartre¡¯s view delivers perfect opportunity to analyse conflation of phenomenological ontology and existentialist ethics. Although Sartre interprets key notions of Husserl and Heidegger primarily in phenomenological manner, the analysis leads away from classical phenomenology and opens up a new outlook at classical ethical dilemmas. Thirdly, the lack of clear ethical claims in phenomenology could be reduced by showing that the ethical potential of phenomenology was partly actualized in existentialism. Besides these primary goals the article opens up a possibility to critically compare the conception of Sartre¡¯s phenomenological-existentialist ethics with other ethical and ontological perspectives, i.e., stoicism, Christianity, psychoanalysis, Marxism, Kant and etc. Article in English Laisv s ir atsakomyb s temas vienaip ar kitaip nagrin jo visi ne-perspektyvinio m stymo egzorcistai (egzistencialistai). Nepaisant gausi tyrin jim , galima teigti, kad b¨±tent fenomenologin s egzistencialistin s etikos aknys kol kas n ra deramai i analizuotos. Straipsnyje, pateikiant ano Polio Sartro laisv s ir atsakomyb s samprat , parodoma, kaip fenomenologin s valgos gali b¨±ti subordinuotos, o kartais kreipti egzistencializmo filosofijos intencijas. Kita, Sartro filosofini pa i¨±r analiz suteikia ret prog i studijuoti fenomenologin s ontologijos ir egzistencialistin s etikos sampyn . Nepaisant to, kad Sartras interpretuoja Husserlio ir Heideggerio s vokas grynai fenomenologi kai, i interpretacij analiz veda tolyn nuo klasikin s fenomenologijos, kartu pateikiamos klasikin s etikos dilemos naujai. Tre ia, straipsnyje teigiama, kad da nai fenomenologijai priki amas etini tem stygius atremiamas parodant, kaip etinis fenomenologijos potencialas aktualizuojamas egzistencialistin je etikoje. Tai puikiai rodo Sartro etika. Be i pagrindini tiksl , straipsnyje taip pat aptariamos galimyb s kriti kai palyginti Sartro fenomenologin s-egzistencialistin s etikos teiginius su kitomis svarbiomis etin mis ir ontologin mis perspektyvomis, pavyzd iui, stoik etika, krik ionybe, psichoanalize, marksizmu, Kanto filosofija ir k %K phenomenology %K existentialism %K freedom %K responsibility %K Sartre %U http://www.cpc.vgtu.lt/index.php/cpc/article/view/38