%0 Journal Article %T HOW UNSCHOOLERS CAN HELP TO END TRADITIONAL READING INSTRUCTION %A Karl F. WHEATLEY %A Ph.D. %J Journal of Unschooling and Alternative Learning %D 2012 %I Nipissing University %X Unschoolers can help end traditional, de-contextualized reading skills instruction, a change which might create other beneficial ripple effects. An unschooling parent and early childhood teacher educator, the author describes how his children learned to read without formal instruction. Next is a description of how prospective and practicing teachers react to this example, to examples of how children learned to read in alternative schools, and to reading research that clearly favors a more natural approach to learning to read. Five ways in which the unschooling model can influence others are described, and three specific suggestions for advocacy by unschoolers are outlined. %K unschooling %U https://docs.google.com/viewer?url=http%3A%2F%2Fjual.nipissingu.ca%2FNewIssue%2Fv7131.pdf