%0 Journal Article %T 孝折快找 我 抉抒把忘扶忘 扭忘技攸找扶我抗抉志 我扼找抉把我我, 忘把抒快抉抖抉忍我我, 忘把抒我找快抗找批把抑 我 忍把忘忱抉扼找把抉我找快抖抆扼找志忘, 技抉扶批技快扶找忘抖抆扶抉忍抉 我扼抗批扼扼找志忘 完快把扶抉志我扯抗抉抄 抉忌抖忘扼找我 孝抗把忘我扶抑 %A C快把忍快抄 妤我志抉志忘把抉志 %A 均扶找抉扶我抄 妙抉抄扼快抄 %J Codrul Cosminului %D 2011 %I Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava %X In the article we study main issues connected with the protection of cultural heritage of Chernivtsi region, complex of measures aimed at the evidence, protection, maintenance, restoration and museum presentation of historical and cultural monuments. Main attention is paid to the activity of Bukovyna Center of Archeological Research, Chernivtsi Branch of ※Protecting Archeological Service of Ukraine§ of Archeological Institute, Academy of Sciences in Ukraine, department for the protection of cultural and historical monuments of Chernivtsi regional center for the cultural heritage of the State Regional Administration, department for the preservation of cultural heritage of city council. %K Chernivtsi region %K Bukovina %K historical monument %K cultural monument %K archeological monuments %K protection %K cultural heritage %K registration %U http://atlas.usv.ro/www/codru_net/CC17/2/10_monuments.pdf