%0 Journal Article %T Sensibility and Subjectivity: Levinas¡¯ Traumatic Subject Jausmingumas ir subjektyvumas: Levino trauminis subjektas %A Rashmika Pandya %J Coactivity : Philosophy, Communication %D 2010 %I Vilnius Gediminas Technical University %R 10.3846/12 %X The importance of Levinas¡¯ notions of sensibility and subjectivity are evident in the revision of phenomenological method by current phenomenologists such as Jean-Luc Marion and Michel Henry. The criticisms of key tenants of classical phenomenology, intentionality and reduction, are of a particular note. However, there are problems with Levinas¡¯ characterization of subjectivity as essentially sensible. In ¡°Totality and Infinity¡± and ¡°Otherwise than Being¡±, Levinas criticizes and recasts a traditional notion of subjectivity, particularly the notion of the subject as the first and foremost rational subject. The subject in Levinas¡¯ works is characterized more by its sensibility and affectedness than by its capacity to reason or affect its world. Levinas ties rationality to economy and suggests an alternative notion of reason that leads to his analysis of the ethical relation as the face-to-face encounter. The ¡®origin¡¯ of the social relation is located not in our capacity to know but rather in a sensibility that is diametrically opposed to the reason understood as economy. I argue that the opposition in Levinas¡¯ thought between reason and sensibility is problematic and essentially leads to a self-conflicted subject. In fact, it would seem that violence characterizes the subject¡¯s self-relation and, thus, is also inscribed at the base of the social relation. Rather than overcoming a problematic tendency to dualistic thought in philosophy Levinas merely reverses traditional hierarchies of reason/emotion, subject/object and self/other. Article in English Levino vartojam jausmingumo ir subjektyvumo s vok svarba tampa akivaizdi analizuojant iuolaikini fenomenolog , toki kaip Jean-Luc Marion ir Michel Henry, fenomenologinio metodo revizij . Ypa min tina kertini klasikin s fenomenologijos tem ¨C intencionalumo ir redukcijos ¨C kritika. Ta iau problemi kas ir pats Levino pateikiamas subjektyvumo kaip jausmingumo apib¨±dinimas. Totalyb je ir Begalyb je bei Kitaip nei B¨±tis Levinas kritikuoja ir pataiso tradicin subjektyvumo samprat , pirmiausia subjekto kaip racionalios esyb s pateikim . Anot Levino, subjektui b¨±dingesnis jausminis jautrumas nei geb jimas samprotauti ir paveikti savo pasaul . Levinas susieja racionalum su i skai iavimu ir pasi¨±lo alternatyvi m stymo samprat , kuri veda prie jo paties pateiktos etin s santykio kaip susid¨±rimo veidu veid ¡° analiz s. Socialini santyki kilm ¡° gl¨±di ne m¨±s sugeb jime pa inti, bet veikiau jausmingume, kuris yra diametraliai prie ingas protui, suprantamam kaip i skai iavimas. Straipsnyje teigiama, kad Levino %K Levinas %K Sensibility/Affectivity %K Comprehension/Reason %K Subjectivity %K the Other %K Violence %U http://www.cpc.vgtu.lt/index.php/cpc/article/view/12