%0 Journal Article %T The Meaning of Good Will to Understand in H. G. Gadamer¡®S Philosophical Hermeneutics Hanso Georgo Gadamerio filosofin hermeneutika ir geros valios suprasti prasm %A Ar¨±nas Mickevi£¿ius %J Coactivity : Philosophy, Communication %D 2010 %I Vilnius Gediminas Technical University %R 10.3846/14 %X The article gives an account of the encounter between Jacques Derrida and Hans-Georg Gadamer at the Goethe Institute in Paris in April 1981. The article discusses disagreement between Gadamer¡¯s philosophical hermeneutics and Derrida¡¯s deconstruction. The main aim is to show why hermeneutical ¡°good will to understand¡± cannot be reduced to ¡°metaphysics of presence¡±. Another aim is to explicate possible interconnections between hermeneutics and deconstruction strategies. Keywords: hermeneutics; dialectics of question and answer; deconstruction; good will to understand; meaning; metaphysics of presence. DOI: 10.3846/coactivity.2010.04 Article in Lithuanian Straipsnyje analizuojami 1981 m. baland io m nes Pary iaus Goethe¡¯s institute vyk debatai tarp Hanso Georgo Gadamerio ir Jacques¡¯o Derrida, kurie i ry kino nesutarimus tarp Gadamerio filosofin s hermeneutikos ir Derrida dekonstrukcijos strategij . Straipsnio tikslas ¨C parodyti, kod l hermeneutin gera valia suprasti negali b¨±ti redukuota vadinam j esaties metafizik . Kita vertus, straipsnyje siekiama i ry kinti ir teori kai pagr sti bendrus galimus s ly io ta kus tarp hermeneutikos ir dekonstrukcijos m stymo strategij . Straipsnis lietuvi kalba %K Hermeneutics %K dialectics of question and answer %K deconstruction %K good will to understand %K meaning %K metaphysics of presence %U http://www.cpc.vgtu.lt/index.php/cpc/article/view/14