%0 Journal Article %T Inter-Corporeity Tarpk¨±ni kumas %A Algis Mick¨±nas %J Coactivity : Philosophy, Communication %D 2010 %I Vilnius Gediminas Technical University %R 10.3846/13 %X The essay explicates the phenomenological problematic of intersubjectivity on the level of bodily interaction with the world and with others. On this level, the concept of visibility is transformed in terms of the primacy of bodily ¡°I can¡± and the kinaesthetic awareness that pervades all perceptual fields. In addition, the investigations into kinaesthetic awareness lead to the understanding that one¡¯s own bodily action is extended as well as varied by the kinaesthetic activities of others and thus form an inter-corporeal field wherein visibility is located. Such an extended awareness is the bodily counterpart of transcendental domain. Article in English Straipsnis atskleid ia fenomenologin tarpsubjektyvumo problematik k¨±no s veikos su pasauliu ir su kitais subjektais lygmeniu. Vizualumo samprata kinta ir tampa paremta k¨±no pirmenybe a galiu¡° bei kinestetine patirtimi, persmelkian ia visas patirties plotmes. Be to, kinestetin s patirties tyrin jimas leid ia suprasti, kad mogaus k¨±ni ki veiksmai yra prat siami ir pa vairinami kitos kinestetin s veiklos, taip kurian ios tarpk¨±ni k erdv , kurioje vizualumas pasirodo kaip specifin veikla. Toks k¨±no prat simas per kit veiksmus sudaro k¨±ni k transcendentalin s plotm s koreliat . Straipsnis angl kalba %K I can %K kinaesthetic %K field phenomena %K policentric %K analogy %K transparency %K pre-reflective %K synaesthetic %U http://www.cpc.vgtu.lt/index.php/cpc/article/view/13