%0 Journal Article %T Levantamento de perdas e desperd¨ªcios dos sistemas produtivos por meio da utiliza o dos coletores de dados %A Fernando Aparecido Pacheco da Silva Fortunato %A Milton Vieira J¨²nior %A Elesandro Ant£¿nio Baptista %J Exacta %D 2011 %I Universidade Nove de Julho %X To offer consumers quality products at affordable prices, companies strive to reduce their production costs. The Toyota Production System philosophy advocates minimizing costs through the elimination of losses and waste. This reduction occurs with the implementation of actions to improve production system; but to implement actions for improvement the management needs reliable information on the particular production system in order to identify which site needs improvement. The collection of information on production system is traditionally done by filling out printed forms; however, this method can produce inaccurate results and the accumulation of papers, which is considered a loss. Faced with the need for obtaining reliable information and in the shortest time possible, this article aims to present the data collectors and demonstrate how these devices can assist in monitoring losses and waste of productive systems. %U http://www.redalyc.org/articulo.oa?id=81021138006