%0 Journal Article %T Management of infrabony defects in mandibular molars in a patient with generalized aggressive periodontitis using autogenous bone graft from maxillary tuberosity %A Singh Sangeeta %J Journal of the Indian Society of Periodontology %D 2010 %I Medknow Publications %X This clinical case report presents a technique utilizing autogenous cancellous bone from maxillary tuberosity to fill two infrabony defects distal to mandibular molars in a patient diagnosed with aggressive periodontitis. After debridement a 6 mm defect was present distal to mandibular right first molar and 6.5 mm defect was present distal to mandibular second molar of same side. Autogenous bone graft from maxillary tuberosity was placed in both the defects. There was a significant bony fill present six months post surgery and probing depth reduced by 7mm on both the sites. %K Autogenous bone graft %K generalized aggressive periodontitis %K infrabony defect %U http://www.jisponline.com/article.asp?issn=0972-124X;year=2010;volume=14;issue=1;spage=53;epage=56;aulast=Singh