%0 Journal Article %T Desenvolvimento de um software de an¨˘lise de imagens para caracteriza o microestrutural de materiais %A Stela M. de Carvalho Fernandes %A Andr¨¦ Gutierrez Duarte %A Thiago Jos¨¦ Soares %A Sidnei Alves de Ara¨˛jo %J Exacta %D 2012 %I Universidade Nove de Julho %X The aim of this paper was to develop an image-analysis software for the area of materials engineering; specifically, for corrosion analysis in aluminum alloys 1050 and 6061. For this purpose, digital image-processing techniques were used. The experiments that were performed showed that the employed techniques are suitable for the application studied in this paper, as the obtained results were satisfactory. Indeed, tests performed with the software that was developed demonstrated its ease of use, which was an important premise. %U http://www.redalyc.org/articulo.oa?id=81024949002