%0 Journal Article %T The World At Night: A New International Year of Astronomy 2009 Project %A Simmons %A M. %A Tafreshi %A B. A. %J Communicating Astronomy with the Public Journal %D 2008 %I International Astronomical Union %X The World At Night (TWAN) is a new programme founded in 2007 with the goal of creating a collection of stunning photographs of the world¡¯s most beautiful and historic sites against the night-time backdrop of stars, planets, and celestial events. The eternally peaceful sky looks the same above all the symbols of different nations and regions, a testament to the truly unified nature of Earth as a planet rather than an amalgam of human-designated territories. Those involved in global programmes learn to see humanity as a family living together on a single planet amidst the vast ocean of our Universe. This global perspective motivates us to work for a better, more peaceful planet for all the world¡¯s inhabitants. TWAN is an innovative approach to expanding this global perspective. TWAN¡¯s primary goal is to present the public with a new and enlightening view of the wonders of our planet by revealing the unified nature of Earth¡¯s people as one family and our world as a living planet that we must all care for together. %K International Year of Astronomy 2009 %K Astrophotography %K Photo Exhibition %K Dark Skies Awareness %K UNESCO World Heritage %U http://www.capjournal.org/issues/02/02_17.php