%0 Journal Article %T Cultura material y religi¨®n: arqueolog¨ªa de la arquitectura religiosa cat¨®lica de Buenos Aires, siglos XVII-XX. %A Luis Coll %J Comechingonia Virtual : Revista Electr¨®nica de Arqueolog¨ªa %D 2008 %I Comechingonia Virtual %X The architecture of Catholic churches is made up so that only you can interpret it through his ritual context, cultural and historical. This study provides the change in relationships between the community of the City of Buenos Aires and the Catholic institution among the seventeenth century to century, focused in only two aspects of these: the link between the sacred-profane and rites of passage. For the analysis of these two areas a study of the spatial distribution of objects and semi-fixed as the ranking of the interior spaces of five temples, noting their interconnections, the distance between them and the degree of concealment of objects of each area. In each of the parishes highlighted a change in the relationship between the sacred-profane over time, a gradual dissolution of boundaries between these environments. As for the rites of passage, its components are increasingly positioning itself near the sacred space par excellence. These changes in material respects and space manifested not only a change in behaviour and design and the sacred rites of transition, but reflect moments of tension and cohesion among parishioners and the Catholic Church, conditioned by the historical juncture. %K Material culture %K Catholics temples %K sacred-profane and rites of transition. %U http://www.comechingonia.com/imagenes%20come3/Coll_2008.htm