%0 Journal Article %T Marketing regi車n de Lambayeque: mejorando el turismo receptivo %A Roger Pingo Jara %J Contabilidad y Negocios : Revista del Departamento Acad谷mico de Ciencias Administrativas %D 2012 %I Pontificia Universidad Cat車lica del Per迆 %X Lambayeque Region marketing: Improving Incoming Tourism Up to now, the marketing of the Lambayeque region as a tourist destination has been able to make important progress in the growth of domestic tourists flow. 40% of these tourists come from the capital, mostly they arrive in this region, mainly for business reasons. However, little progress is shown in relation to Incoming tourism, because from 100% of visitors who arrive to this touristic destination only 5% are of foreign origin. Furthermore, in 2011, from the total foreign tourists that visited the Moche Route - La Libertad region and Lambayeque region, 70% remained in the first one and only 30% visited both regions, completing the touristic circuit. The recommendations of the teachers of the Universidad del Pac赤fico, Universidad Esan and Centrum Cat車lica, who have been interviewed are compared with the businessmen*s opinions in the region, showing the importance of targeting the tourism marketing strategy. Thus, it seeks to create value in different niches of the source markets, to prioritize potential tourists from brotherly countries, to link emotionally the tourist with the city, to build brands for each touristic product, to invest in highly specialized tourism and to improve significantly the clusters organization of the tourism sector in the region. We conclude that, in the region of Lambayeque, isolated efforts have been made regarding the incoming marketing, but, according to the needs, tastes and preferences of the potential tourist, this does not fulfill the international standards. This is demonstrated by the results achieved up to now〞in terms of the foreign visitors* number〞. To that extent, It emphasizes the importance of the design and the implementation of a marketing plan connected with market reality. It should profit from the national brand and develop regional and local brand based on the international touristic demand-supply relation to market niches. A la fecha, el marketing de la regi車n de Lambayeque como destino tur赤stico ha logrado avanzar en el crecimiento del flujo de turistas nacionales. Estos, en un 40%, provienen de la capital y, en su mayor赤a, arriban a esta regi車n, principalmente, por razones de negocio. Sin embargo, poco avance se muestra en cuanto al turismo receptivo, dado que del 100% de visitantes que llegan a este destino tur赤stico solo el 5% es de origen extranjero. Adem芍s, del total de turistas extranjeros que, en el 2011, visitaron la ruta Moche 〞regi車n de La Libertad y regi車n de Lambayeque〞, el 70% se qued車 en la primera y solo el 30% visit車 ambas regione %K Marketing tur赤stico %K Marca tur赤stica %K Turismo receptivo %U http://revistas.pucp.edu.pe/index.php/contabilidadyNegocios/article/view/3883