%0 Journal Article %T ESTRATEGIAS DE APRENDIZAJE QUE PERMITEN APRENDER PERMANENTE %A Ronald Feo %J CONHISREMI %D 2012 %I Instituto Universitario de Tecnolog赤a Tom芍s Lander %X At present, a decade of the century, educational systems have been impacted by requirements of the scientific, technological, and social of the millennium. These requirements can include autonomy in learning and an eminent propensity to form a subject of high intellectual level, to develop skills and values that enable them to reach and bind to the same level of scientific, technological and social with few difficulties in personal and professional levels permanently, and therefore, it is essential in-depth approach to the academic curricula of higher education to describe and interpret the processes used by their students, allowing them to learn and, on that basis, generate a broad and deep cognitive phenomena, affective, emotional and social vision to rebuild the consent of school learning to the demands of the millennium, with an emphasis on learning strategies and lifelong learning. The methodology used was based on the interpretive paradigm, based on phenomenology as the fundamental basis of the procedures that can process the information collected from key informants, who were 7 college students. The most important contributions of the confined research that students construct their learning strategies through social interaction, specifically with fellow students and the teacher, it is important to note that cultural influences represented in the beliefs, support, and motivation, encourage lifelong learning, so is very important to update the curricula of higher education through cross-cutting strategies that promote learning and, in turn, recognize that the support and motivation are companions and natural triggers of learning. En la actualidad, a una d谷cada del siglo XXI, los sistemas educativos han sido impactados por exigencias propias del avance cient赤fico, tecnol車gico y social del milenio. Entre esas exigencias se pueden mencionar la autonom赤a en el aprendizaje y una eminente propensi車n a la formaci車n de un sujeto a nivel superior de elevada intelectualidad, que desarrolle habilidades y valores que les permitan alcanzar y vincularse al mismo nivel de desarrollo cient赤fico, tecnol車gico y social con pocas dificultades en los planos profesionales y personales de manera permanente; en consecuencia, es indispensable acercarse en profundidad a los centros formales de formaci車n superior para describir e interpretar los procesos que emplean sus estudiantes, que les permiten aprender y, con esa base, generar una visi車n amplia y profunda de los fen車menos cognitivos, afectivos, emocionales y sociales que consientan reconstruir la visi車n del aprendizaje %K learning strategies %K permanent learning. %K estrategias %K estrategias de aprendizaje %K aprender permanente %U http://conhisremi.iuttol.edu.ve/pdf/ARTI000132.pdf