%0 Journal Article %T DIDACTICAS ESPEC¨ªFICAS: L¨®GICAS DE LOS SABERES DISCIPLINARES O ENSE ANZAS SITUADAS? %A Dulce Mar¨ªa Orellana %J CONHISREMI %D 2012 %I Instituto Universitario de Tecnolog¨ªa Tom¨¢s Lander %X This scientific essay proposes a set of theoretical considerations which permits to re-locate the protagonism of didactic in the construction of knowledge through the learning and teaching experience in the university education, since this institution forms the students within professional competences to participate in the productive working-process that society requires for its transformations. Therefore, to explain that the epistemological and methodological perspective of didactic allows teachers to act out teaching as a horizon of possibility for the teachers to interact with the student%u2019s subjectivity as a means of learning with significance and sense. Besides, we conceptualize the categories of didactic to interpret the specificities which fundament them in order to comprehend that didactic is also a relational space that involves attitudes, methods and procedures that reflects its theoretical principals. In order words, the educational action which emerges from didactic requires of onto-epistemological positions that incentive to search the unity of theory to integral, reflective, situated and committed practice to concrete situations related to the academic and social context. Finally, we attempt to present some reflections on the professional teaching practice within the university scholar context that contribute to approach the social request and the strategic objectives of our Polytechnic and Territorial University through the students%u2019 integral formation in the scientific and humanistic dimensional in response to the strategic lines according to %u201CSim¨®n Bolivar¡äs%u201D National Project, 2007-2013%u201D. Este ensayo cient¨ªfico plantea una serie de consideraciones te¨®ricas que permiten re-situar el protagonismo de las did¨¢cticas en la construcci¨®n de los conocimientos a trav¨¦s de las experiencias de ense anza-aprendizaje en la educaci¨®n universitaria en tanto que esta instituci¨®n forma a los estudiantes en competencias profesionales para participar en los procesos productivos laborales que la sociedad necesita para sus transformaciones. Por lo tanto, dar cuenta de la perspectiva epistemol¨®gica y metodol¨®gica de la did¨¢ctica, permite que los docentes accionen la ense anza como un horizonte de posibilidad de interaccionar con la subjetividad del estudiante para aprender con significados y sentidos. Asimismo, se conceptualizan las categor¨ªas de did¨¢ctica y se interpretan las especificidades que las fundamentan, de manera que se comprenda que la did¨¢ctica tambi¨¦n es el espacio relacional de actitudes, m¨¦todos y procedimientos de la p %K General and specific didactic %K knowledge %K teaching and university %K Did¨¢ctica General y Espec¨ªfica %K Saberes %K Ense anza y Universidad %U http://conhisremi.iuttol.edu.ve/pdf/ARTI000143.pdf