%0 Journal Article %T Waarom historici daarbij hun eigen vak niet uit het oog mogen verliezen %A Carl Devos %J BMGN : Low Countries Historical Review %D 2012 %I Utrecht University Library Open Access Journals %X Why Historians should also keep their own Field of Study in Mind Historians must pay more attention to the meaning of the logic of management or managerialism in politics. However, interdisciplinarity does not simply mean that subjects and methods of other disciplines can be copied into the science of history. Historians have an important unique selling proposition that should not be underestimated ¨C the power to put novelty in perspective by historical insight. The techniques and methods of the science of history cannot be weakened simply in order to study topics that are popular or to participate in public discussions that are mainly inspired by other disciplines. %K Political Culture %U http://www.bmgn-lchr.nl/index.php/bmgn/article/view/8079