%0 Journal Article %T A Cellular Automata Models of Evolution of Transportation Networks %A Pawel Topa %A Mariusz Paszkowski %J Computer Science %D 2002 %I AGH University of Science and Technology Press %X We present a new approach to modelling of transportation networks. Supply of resources and their influence on the evolution of the consuming environment is a princqral problem considered. ne present two concepts, which are based on cellular automata paradigm. In the first model SCAM4N (Simple Cellular Automata Model of Anastomosing Network), the system is represented by a 2D mesh of elementary cells. The rules of interaction between them are introduced for modelling ofthe water flow and other phenomena connected with anastomosing river: Due to limitations of SCAMAN model, we introduce a supplementary model. The MANGraCA (Model of Anastomosing Network with Graph of Cellular Automata) model beside the classical mesh of automata, introduces an additional structure: the graph of cellular automata, which represents the network pattern. Finally we discuss the prospective applications ofthe models. The concepts of juture implementation are also presented. %K Evolutionary algorithms %U http://www.csci.agh.edu.pl/36/1/cs2002%2D01.pdf