%0 Journal Article %T ANALISIS HISTORIOGR¨¢FICO DE LA OBRA BOL¨ªVAR, ACCI¨®N Y UTOP¨ªA DEL HOMBRE DE LAS DIFICULTADES (1977), DE MIGUEL ACOSTA SAIGNES. %A Froil¨¢n Jos¨¦ Ramos Rodr¨ªguez %J CONHISREMI %D 2011 %I Instituto Universitario de Tecnolog¨ªa Tom¨¢s Lander %X This research has as main purpose, analyze the work Bolivar, Action Man's Utopia and Challenges (1977), Miguel Acosta Saignes as historiographical work. In this regard, the historiographical analysis is approached from the scientific rigor of practicing internal and external criticism of the document. It is of utmost importance to consider the academic intellectual author of the work, Acosta Saignes (1908-1989), a historian by profession and trade, with elaborate studies in history, anthropology and geography made to the Colegio de Mexico and Universidad Central de Venezuela. Similarly, the book presents a methodical historical research on Simon Bolivar and his time, relating the economic structures of caste struggles confronting present at the historic moment of the War of Independence, with a comprehensive presentation of primary sources, and the contextualization of events and developed from the theoretical perspective of Marxism. Furthermore, this work is distinguished significantly from other works, because it is not a biography of the Liberator but Acosta Saignes poses a Mantuan Caracas, as the expression synthesis of economic, political and ideological of the dominant caste in a cyclical time, which represents the breakdown of colonial rule and the establishment of a new political order that preserves the privileges in some sectors; inside this war against Spain is waged an internal civil war, a social war, colors, in which the formation of a social group in the plains would have a momentous impact. La presente investigaci¨®n tiene como prop¨®sito fundamental analizar la obra Bol¨ªvar, Acci¨®n y Utop¨ªa del Hombre de las Dificultades (1977), de Miguel Acosta Saignes, como trabajo historiogr¨¢fico. En tal sentido, el an¨¢lisis historiogr¨¢fico se aborda desde la rigurosidad cient¨ªfica de practicar la cr¨ªtica interna y externa del documento, aplicando el m¨¦todo hermen¨¦utico. Asimismo, es de suma relevancia considerar la formaci¨®n acad¨¦mica intelectual del autor de la obra, Acosta Saignes (1908-1989), un historiador de profesi¨®n y oficio, con esmerados estudios en historia, antropolog¨ªa y geograf¨ªa realizados en el Colegio de M¨¦xico y en la Universidad Central de Venezuela, lo cual permite establecer la s¨®lida trayectoria del maestro arag¨¹e o. De igual modo, la obra presenta una met¨®dica investigaci¨®n hist¨®rica sobre Sim¨®n Bol¨ªvar y su tiempo, relacionando las estructuras econ¨®micas con el enfrentamiento de luchas de castas presentes en el momento coyuntural que signific¨® la Guerra de Independencia, con una exhaustiva presentaci¨®n de fuentes primarias y con %K Historiography %K Bol¨ªvar %K Miguel Acosta Saignes %K Historiograf¨ªa %K Bol¨ªvar %K Miguel Acosta Saignes %U http://conhisremi.iuttol.edu.ve/pdf/ARTI000113.pdf