%0 Journal Article %T RESPONSABILIDAD SOCIAL UNIVERSITARIA: EVALUACI車N DEL PROGRAMA DE IGUALDAD DE OPORTUNIDADES (PIO) DE LA UNIVERSIDAD SIM車N BOL赤VAR %U2013 SEDE LITORAL %A Mar赤a Daniela G車mez %A Elba M芍rquez %A Jes迆s Monascal %J CONHISREMI %D 2012 %I Instituto Universitario de Tecnolog赤a Tom芍s Lander %X The universities play an important social role which is manifested not only in training of professionals contributing to the development of the country, but also in the proposed concrete solutions to chronic problems facing society, is so this the origin the university social responsibility with which institutions of higher education must contribute to the development of the country, starting with their immediate environment. Aware of its social role, Universidad Sim車n Bol赤var has developed the Programa de Igualdad de Oportunidades (PIO) with which the institution undertake to prepare for admission to the University to those students basic education and diversified who by their socioeconomic situation and the current reality, are not sufficiently prepared to face the entrance examinations to institutions of higher education and, subsequently, their college classes. The main objective of this paper is to evaluate the program's performance in the Vargas state, where is located one of the headquarters of the university, during the period between years 2001 and 2008. For this purpose the research behind the article is descriptive non experimental in a documentary level, because was possible to determine that during the reporting period the PIO has had a positive performance how social responsibility program. Las universidades cumplen un importante papel social el cual se manifiesta no s車lo en la formaci車n de profesionales que contribuyan con el desarrollo del pa赤s, sino en la propuesta de soluciones concretas a los problemas cr車nicos que enfrenta la sociedad; es ah赤 de donde surge la responsabilidad social universitaria, con la cual la instituciones de educaci車n superior deben contribuir al desarrollo social del pa赤s, empezando por su entorno m芍s cercano. Consciente de su papel social, la Universidad Sim車n Bol赤var ha desarrollado el Programa de Igualdad de Oportunidades (PIO) con el cual la Instituci車n se compromete a preparar para el ingreso a la Universidad a todos aquellos alumnos que por su situaci車n socioecon車mica y la realidad actual de la educaci車n b芍sica y diversificada, no se encuentran lo suficientemente preparados para afrontar las pruebas de ingreso a las instituciones de educaci車n superior y, posteriormente, sus clases universitarias. El principal objetivo del presente art赤culo es evaluar el desempe o del programa en el estado Vargas donde se encuentra una de las sedes de la universidad, durante el per赤odo comprendido entre los a os 2001 y 2008; la investigaci車n que respalda art赤culo es no experimental de tipo descriptivo a un nivel documental, %K university social responsibility %K program social performance %K equal opportunity program. %K responsabilidad social universitaria %K desempe o de programas sociales %K programa de igualdad de oportunidades %U http://conhisremi.iuttol.edu.ve/pdf/ARTI000135.pdf