%0 Journal Article %T La noci¨®n de representaci¨®n pol¨ªtica en Francisco Javier Yanes. %A Rodr¨ªguez %A Frank %J CONHISREMI %D 2010 %I Instituto Universitario de Tecnolog¨ªa Tom¨¢s Lander %X In the framework of the commemoration of the 200 year of the process of independence in La tin America and Venezuela, it seems convenient to review the political thought that guided the emancipating actions. In this sense, the present paper has the intention to analyze theoretical proposition of the representative government, developed by Francisco Javier y his work ¡§Manual Pol¨ªtico Venezolano¡§ (1839) and his contribution in the construction of a modern republic in Venezuela during the liberating process. In other words, we want to stand out how,form the rupture of the Spanish colonial nexus, the ideologists of Venezuela emancipation, Yanes among them, had to legitimate the new republican government on foundations like political representation, popular sovereignty and people rights, among others. %K political representation %K republicanism %K popular sovereignty %K citizenship %K people's rights %U http://conhisremi.iuttol.edu.ve/pdf/ARTI000086.pdf