%0 Journal Article %T Analysis of transport accessibility in rural areas of Olsztyn county Dost pno transportowa obszar¨®w wiejskich powiatu olszty¨½skiego %A Waldemar Koz£¿owski %J Journal of Agribusiness and Rural Development %D 2012 %I Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Poznaniu %X A significant impact on the multifunctional development of rural areas is the so-called transport accessibility. This applies mainly to the capabilities and reach the pace of the in-habitants of the so-called areas peripheral to the main economic centers of the province. The research includes analysis of the availability of transport in quantitative and qualitative as-pects, which was defined for the purposes of research. Quantity and quality of transport in-frastructure, the number of connections, length and travel time to the most important eco-nomic centers were taken into consideration. Analysis of transport availability sets the target application development, which is to determine the key investment priorities for the next programming periods of transport infrastructure development of the Warmia and Mazury province. %K transport infrastructure %K availability of transport %K rural areas %U http://www.jard.edu.pl/tom26/zeszyt4/art_2.pdf